Why Rent vs Own?

Why rent a solar pile driver vs. Own a solar pile driver? Well, some might think they know the answer, but If you are not currently active in the utility-scale solar arena you would assume it is COVID related, but in all fairness, it has been this way before COVID and for most of 2021 and going into the future. If you want to order a new Solar Pile Driving machine, you will be waiting a very long time for this to arrive. We all know about the supply chain disruption that COVID caused, but did you know that GAYK only ships 50 machines to North America every year and that they have no plans on scaling up. The current demand is set mainly on preorders that are not COVID supply chain-related. Even before COVID was a thing, if you wanted to purchase a GAYK pile driver, you would be waiting 6-8 months. As it currently sits, you are looking at a 2-year wait. There are large EPCs and company’s that come in and order 10-20 at a time. You will see quickly how that only clogs the distribution chain. We are here to hopefully bridge the gap for some as long as we have the availability to do so. The difference is that we are building this rental business around the extensive history and know-how in the pile driving industry, so we understand the importance of quickly addressing any machine issues.


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